
The Five Secret Of Marketing

1st Secret: Marketing is the one of the most noble job. You shouldn't accept that marketing is basic and vulgar thing. You should be aware of the presenting good things (goods and services) for their lifes to your customers. Don't forget the special value of your products, that offer to your customers. You should make feel special to customers for they buy your products, because you offer a value and if they buy your product, it will be benefit to themselves, not to you.

2nd Secret: Marketing should not be considered a favor for your target (customer), but should be providing a service for your customer. You shouldn't think as in terms of "Targets and Most Selling". That understanding is reason of interventionist, noisy campaign. You must to understand that marketing is not selling anything. Marketing is a way for winning and keeping customers. In this way, you should provide the service to your customers for they buy your product. You should not emphasize the characteristics of your product, instead of this, you should tell and explain the benefits of your product, which is really superior than others. Don't forget, relationship is the most important connection between you and your customers.

3rd Secret: The meaning of helping to your customer for making the best desicion is having the best product.

4th Secret: Righteous marketing. This is the only way for sustain superiority on market. You must to explain the advantage of your product. But never don't be a liar about your product.

5th Secret:  You don't begin the work with persuading the people. They will resist. But if you present an opportunity, they will see the your advantage and benefit, which is providing by your product.

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