You saw an awesome girl in a party, and said to her: "I am a very rich person, marry me!". It's direct marketing.
You was in a party with your friends, and one of the your friends said to a girl: "He is very rich person, marry him!". It's advertising.
You saw an awesome girl in a party, and took her phone number. On the following day you called to her and said: "Hi, I am very rich person, marry me!". It's telemarketing.
You saw an awesome girl in a party, and offered a drink to her, opened the door, helped, dealed and proposed a small trip. And than you said: "I am very rich person, may you marry with me?". It's public relations.
You saw an awesome girl in a party. Girl came and said: "I heared that you are very rich person, I want to marry you.". It's to be famous brand.
You saw an awesome girl in a party, and said: "I am very rich person, marry me!". And she slapped to your face. It's customer feedback.
You saw an awesome girl in a party. You said: " I am very rich person, marry me!". And she introduced with her husband. It's discrepency of supply-demand.
You saw an awesome girl in a party. And another person said: "I am very rich person, marry me!". And she went with him. It's competition, which covet to your market share.
You saw an awesome girl in a party. You said: "I am very rich...", and your wife came to near. It's the barriers to entry.
Kind of the Marketing
Why Do People Buy?
And if we want to use the right marketing technique, we should know why do people buy...
1. To gain more money
2. To be more relax
3. To be praised
4. To enjoy
5. To have good things
6. To take less criticism
7. To make easier their works
8. To make faster their works
9. To keep up with their friends or neigborhood
10. To seems like rich
11. To seems like younger
12. To buy the relationships
13. To be more efficient
14. To endeavor fewer
15. To be less in pain
16. To protect their havings
17. To have a style
18. To escape to their problems
19. To utilize the opportunities
20. To express their love
21. To have fun
22. To be organize
23. To feel in safety
24. To save on energy
25. To well accepted
26. To gain time
27. To be more healthy and fit
28. To move opposite-sex
29. To protect the family, friends
30. To look like other people
31. To protect their chance
32. To be fashionable
33. To feel like stronger
34. To be more exciting
35. To reach better communication
36. To protect the environment
37. To make savings
38. To be cleaner
39. To be popular
40. To annihilate their curiosity
41. To be fed
42. To be personal (individual)
43. To run away from the stress
44. To provide comfort
45. To give other person
46. To feel like younger
47. To follow of their hobbies
48. Spiritual satisfaction
49. To be different
50. To bequeath
These are a simple part of reasons of the purchasing. Now you think why you sell, what is your goal and how you sell?
1. To gain more money
2. To be more relax
3. To be praised
4. To enjoy
5. To have good things
6. To take less criticism
7. To make easier their works
8. To make faster their works
9. To keep up with their friends or neigborhood
10. To seems like rich
11. To seems like younger
12. To buy the relationships
13. To be more efficient
14. To endeavor fewer
15. To be less in pain
16. To protect their havings
17. To have a style
18. To escape to their problems
19. To utilize the opportunities
20. To express their love
21. To have fun
22. To be organize
23. To feel in safety
24. To save on energy
25. To well accepted
26. To gain time
27. To be more healthy and fit
28. To move opposite-sex
29. To protect the family, friends
30. To look like other people
31. To protect their chance
32. To be fashionable
33. To feel like stronger
34. To be more exciting
35. To reach better communication
36. To protect the environment
37. To make savings
38. To be cleaner
39. To be popular
40. To annihilate their curiosity
41. To be fed
42. To be personal (individual)
43. To run away from the stress
44. To provide comfort
45. To give other person
46. To feel like younger
47. To follow of their hobbies
48. Spiritual satisfaction
49. To be different
50. To bequeath
These are a simple part of reasons of the purchasing. Now you think why you sell, what is your goal and how you sell?
The Five Secret Of Marketing
1st Secret: Marketing is the one of the most noble job. You shouldn't accept that marketing is basic and vulgar thing. You should be aware of the presenting good things (goods and services) for their lifes to your customers. Don't forget the special value of your products, that offer to your customers. You should make feel special to customers for they buy your products, because you offer a value and if they buy your product, it will be benefit to themselves, not to you.
2nd Secret: Marketing should not be considered a favor for your target (customer), but should be providing a service for your customer. You shouldn't think as in terms of "Targets and Most Selling". That understanding is reason of interventionist, noisy campaign. You must to understand that marketing is not selling anything. Marketing is a way for winning and keeping customers. In this way, you should provide the service to your customers for they buy your product. You should not emphasize the characteristics of your product, instead of this, you should tell and explain the benefits of your product, which is really superior than others. Don't forget, relationship is the most important connection between you and your customers.
3rd Secret: The meaning of helping to your customer for making the best desicion is having the best product.
4th Secret: Righteous marketing. This is the only way for sustain superiority on market. You must to explain the advantage of your product. But never don't be a liar about your product.
5th Secret: You don't begin the work with persuading the people. They will resist. But if you present an opportunity, they will see the your advantage and benefit, which is providing by your product.
2nd Secret: Marketing should not be considered a favor for your target (customer), but should be providing a service for your customer. You shouldn't think as in terms of "Targets and Most Selling". That understanding is reason of interventionist, noisy campaign. You must to understand that marketing is not selling anything. Marketing is a way for winning and keeping customers. In this way, you should provide the service to your customers for they buy your product. You should not emphasize the characteristics of your product, instead of this, you should tell and explain the benefits of your product, which is really superior than others. Don't forget, relationship is the most important connection between you and your customers.
3rd Secret: The meaning of helping to your customer for making the best desicion is having the best product.
4th Secret: Righteous marketing. This is the only way for sustain superiority on market. You must to explain the advantage of your product. But never don't be a liar about your product.
5th Secret: You don't begin the work with persuading the people. They will resist. But if you present an opportunity, they will see the your advantage and benefit, which is providing by your product.
What is Marketing?
Generally marketing is a determining process. Determining of goods and services, which will attract the attention of customers and developing strategies of communication and administration. Marketing is a changing process for satisfying the needs and desires.
Marketing is an important component for success of business. A good marketing is required not only for business and country's success, but also effective production. A robust marketing compherension needs a robust group culture. That culture is a unit of perception and value, which include behaviour to customers, market and community.
And Understanding of Marketing From Past To Future
Production Perception is the oldest marketing opinion. In that period, the main problem of the marketing was finding new methods for increasing the production. The main goal was increasing the production with developing technology and efficiency.
Selling Perception is the period of maximum production and minimum consumption. In that period, the biggest problem of firms was inadequate demand. The opinions of that period was "produce, publicized; it will sell and create own profit.". The fact of the profit in producing perception was the profit born by producing; and the fact of the profit in selling perception was the profit born by selling.
Marketing Perception: In the period, which has the high competition and low customer desire, the selling mentality was quite enough neither increasing the demand nor creating new demand. So the new marketing understanding was occured and developed because escape from the vicious cycle.
The Social Marketing Perception: Customer dissatisfaction, environmental problems, danger of the shortage of national resources, political and judicial effects directed the marketing administration to moving with behavioural and community perception
Global Marketing Perception: The growing of the economies scale with globalization is only world market phenomenon, which is mature with global competition and communication.
Marketing is an important component for success of business. A good marketing is required not only for business and country's success, but also effective production. A robust marketing compherension needs a robust group culture. That culture is a unit of perception and value, which include behaviour to customers, market and community.
And Understanding of Marketing From Past To Future
Production Perception is the oldest marketing opinion. In that period, the main problem of the marketing was finding new methods for increasing the production. The main goal was increasing the production with developing technology and efficiency.
Selling Perception is the period of maximum production and minimum consumption. In that period, the biggest problem of firms was inadequate demand. The opinions of that period was "produce, publicized; it will sell and create own profit.". The fact of the profit in producing perception was the profit born by producing; and the fact of the profit in selling perception was the profit born by selling.
Marketing Perception: In the period, which has the high competition and low customer desire, the selling mentality was quite enough neither increasing the demand nor creating new demand. So the new marketing understanding was occured and developed because escape from the vicious cycle.
The Social Marketing Perception: Customer dissatisfaction, environmental problems, danger of the shortage of national resources, political and judicial effects directed the marketing administration to moving with behavioural and community perception
Global Marketing Perception: The growing of the economies scale with globalization is only world market phenomenon, which is mature with global competition and communication.
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